Zotero does not have permission to control Word after automatic update

After trying this:
macOS 12 Monterey and earlier
Open System Preferences
Select “Security & Privacy”
Find and select “Automation” on the left
Check the checkbox for “Microsoft Word” under “Zotero”
Restart Word

The Automation settings for permission to control zotero in word that were enabled are automatically disabled any time I open a word document. I restart the computer several times and it does not work. I can not give permission and the box that appears in word to permit the access disappears in few seconds and I can not give permission.

My problem ID is 363192840.
  • The Automation settings for permission to control zotero in word that were enabled are automatically disabled any time I open a word document.
    Wait, what do you mean by that? You're saying that the Microsoft Word checkbox in System Preferences is checked but becomes unchecked when you open a Word document? That seems very unlikely.

    In any case, with the disappearing dialog, it sounds like there's some general problem with the permissions system on your Mac.

    You can try opening Terminal via Spotlight, running this command, restarting your computer, and trying again:

    tccutil reset AppleEvents

    That should clear everything in that pane and cause the system to prompt you again.

    If that doesn't help, I'd recommend upgrading macOS. This permission system was very buggy in some previous versions of macOS.
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