Enhancement for iOS: Add tags immediately if a comma is added
I also use Raindrop, and I think its quick tagging implementation is very good. The main feature is that tags are added immediately, if the tag is followed by a comma. In Zotero, adding a comma suggests creating a tag with a comma. I don’t think there are many who would create a tag that ends with a comma. But if that is actually the case for some people, the alternate behavior where tags are used as delimiters between tags to add could be an option in the settings of the app.
This would also enable a more fluid keyboard based workflow.
This would also enable a more fluid keyboard based workflow.
Also mentioned here by @kalmdown in 2007: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/1373/more-efficient-tagging/p1
Actually, the comma is not the key issue, it is keeping focus on the input box after pressing enter. So, rather than jumping to a newly added tag at its location in the list, the applied tag would appear at the top of the list. The focus would remain in the text box, so the user is able type or search for another tag, and apply it with enter as many times as needed.