WebDAV verification failed

Hello all,

When I click sync button it synchronizes correctly, but the sync button turns to red and gives the following error:

"WebDAV verification failed. Verify your file sync settings in the Sync
pane of the Zotero preferences."

I have checked on the server side and mobile app if files synchronized correctly; yes, all files are synchronized. Just sync now button turns to red.

It also gives following error message when I click verify server button sync settings in the Sync pane:

An unknown error occurred.
Please check your file sync settings or contact your WebDAV server administrator.
HTTP 400"

I am able to connect to WebDAV server page without error in chrome

Please help to correct. Thank you
  • edited May 7, 2023
    It also gives following error in "error console"":

    [JavaScript Error: "XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
    Location: https://insanbil:*****@insanbilimleri.com:2078/zotero/
    Line Number 1, Column 1:" {file: "https://insanbil:****@insanbilimleri.com:2078/zotero/" line: 1 column: 1 source: ""}]
  • Can you provide a Debug ID for a Verify Server attempt that fails?

    If Verify Server fails, it shouldn't actually sync any files, so I'm not sure how you'd be seeing files elsewhere unless you synced those previously.
  • Sorry, you are right, there is no new files synchronized.
    But I have had tested via a "child note". It has been synchronized both way.
  • edited May 8, 2023
    Here is debug ID: D245537687

    I have also reported the error. Report ID: 1566032073

    Thank you very much for your concern
  • Notes don't have anything to do with file syncing.
    HTTP PROPFIND https://[…]@[…].com:2078/zotero/ failed with status code 400:
    It's just a 400 Bad Request error from your WebDAV server. That's all we can tell you. It's not a problem in Zotero itself.
  • I have checked from WebDAV server side with server admin. He found no problem.

    I have also provide debug and report Id's and submit error log via zotero.

    Thank you
  • edited May 8, 2023
    Zotero works with properly configured WebDAV servers. Your WebDAV admin will need to look at the server logs and determine why the server is returning a 400 for a valid PROPFIND request.
    HTTP PROPFIND https://[…]:2078/zotero/ failed with status code 400:

    The server is also returning invalid characters as the response text, which a properly behaving server wouldn't do, so we can't even tell you what the server claims is the problem.
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