Unknown bug - report 1901341280

edited April 28, 2023
I've had a bug after I imported this paper https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Tempora:-Cell-trajectory-inference-using-RNA-data-Tran-Bader/332f996f3c040e1158bfa1b1973bb352b7dc37fe#citing-papers
into Zotero using the connector on Firefox.
The added entry has the Semantic Scholar link as an attachment.
I tried to delete that attachment, and it didn't do it. I tried again, and it still didn't do it. After 10sec, an error message appeared, and told me to report this error.

I then restarted Zotero, and then I was able to delete it without errors.
  • I'm not able to reproduce this. If you're able to, we'd want to see a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for triggering the error.
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