Help with my Zotero Annotations template?

Hello there!

I am a newbie to both Zotero and HTML. But I'm trying to modify the note templates as described in the documentation.

This is what I am trying to do: 1) all text highlighted in blue becomes a header without quotation marks, 2) text highlighted in red becomes a blockquote, and if there is a comment that becomes a header, 3) and and all other highlights use a single paragraph:

Something is not quite working. When I tried it, most of the note ended up being one long header! I'm sure the solution is simple, but like I said I am a noob.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

(For some reason my header tags are not translating in the code block below, so I posted a screenshot here:

{{if color == '#a28ae5'}}
{{highlight quotes='false'}}
{{elseif color == '#ff6666'}}
{{if comment}},{{comment}}:{{endif}}{{highlight}}{{citation}}
{{comment}}: {{highlight}} {{citation}} {{if tags}} #{{tags join=' #'}}{{endif}}
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