Turkish academic resource center is not compatible with zotero connector

Information for theses in the Turkish academic resource center named "ulusal tez merkezi" at the address tez.yok.gov.tr ​​cannot be imported into the library properly.

For example, go to website address, (if you dont know Turkish change the language to EN), enter "The role of customs administrations in international logistics functions" as search terms on the search bar, when you click on the "thesis no" you can access all the details of thesis, but you cannot import data by connector.

So, you can only manually type data to zotero, and entering these data one by one for dozens of studies is a serious waste of time.

Can a study (perhaps a translator) be done on this subject?

Zotero connector saves the thesis on this site as web pages. Since this site is indispensable for newly released academic thesis, your interest will be greatly appreciated.

A standard user normally cannot reach this address, but for help, I am giving the full address of the thesis in the example above.:

thank you
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