Different citation for "booksection" and "dictionaryEntry"

I apologize if the answer is already on any topic, but I have not yet found anything to help me!
At http://www.zotero.org/support/dev/csl_syntax_summary I read:
" “book” is a generic fallback for book, film, artwork, report, bill, case, hearing, statute, audioRecording, videoRecording and computerProgram.
“article” is a generic fallback for journalArticle, magazineArticle, newspaperArticle, thesis, letter, manuscript, interview, webpage, patent, email, map, blogPost, instantMessage, forumPost, tvBroadcast, radiobroadcast, podcast and presentation.
“chapter” is a generic fallback for bookSection, encyclopediaArticle, dictionaryEntry, conferencePaper."

I want to create a style with a different citation for "bookSection" and "dictionaryEntry".
How to do this?
Currently both have the same kind of citation.
  • not currently possible - I believe there is a longer discussion on this already somewhere and if I remember correctly the csl 1.0 people are aware of this as an issue.
  • While this is not currently possible, it would be helpful to provide more information on this style-- can you give the style name, and example citations for each type?

    That way future development can keep real use cases in mind. Who knows-- maybe the forum can even find a work-around for you.
  • edited January 5, 2010

    I had the same issue and I gave an example in this topic:

    As far as I'm concerned, I can't give you a style name which requires this but, here (in France), this is a common rule (add "V°" before the name of a dictionary entry).
  • As far as I'm concerned, I can't give you a style name which requires this but, here (in France), this is a common rule (add "V°" before the name of a dictionary entry).
    There should be an option of "s.v." in the page number / chapter number drop-down menu of the insert citation dialog box in the word processor plugin; that should be customizable to match the requirements of the specific style or locale. Turabian gives for Chicago 7th edition:
    The Times guide to English style and usage. 1999. Rev. ed. London: Times Books.
    (Times guide 1999, s.vv. "police ranks," "postal addresses")
    If one adds the Times guide as a book, then cites the dictionary entries using sub verbo, it will create correct citations. If you can't get Zotero to make citations that match your needs, please provide examples of precisely what they should look like, so that style authors and developers can think about how to make Zotero fit your requirements.

    Getting from s.v. to V should be just a matter of localization...
  • There should be an option of "s.v." in the page number / chapter number drop-down menu of the insert citation dialog box in the word processor plugin; that should be customizable to match the requirements of the specific style or locale.
    =>It can't help in my case since you can only add a prefix or a suffix with the word processor plugin.
    If you can't get Zotero to make citations that match your needs, please provide examples of precisely what they should look like, so that style authors and developers can think about how to make Zotero fit your requirements.
    => I gave a link to a topic which contains such an example (http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/9812/encyclopediaarticle-dictionaryentry/#Item_1). Here it is:

    Author, V° « DictionaryEntry », in NameOfTheDictionary, date, page.

    As you can see the "V°" is after the name of author and before the name of the entry, that's why the solution you've proposed does not seem right in this case.
    In addition, the "V°" is a general requirement in french styles: a solution based on the word processor plugin is just a workaround.

    I think the best solution would be a special mapping for encyclopediaArticle and/or /dictionaryEntry...
  • I see. It is not currently possible to have both a "sub verbo" and a page number, even if we can get the s.v. localized appropriately.

    One more vote for special mapping, I suppose.
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