word integration fail after update

After the last update zotero stopped working with word.

We have a shared document in teams docs, and I'm working on it on the word desktop application (normal word).
It says (smtg like this - it's in finnish, trying to translate ) :
"Integration error of Zotero . An error when updating a document. Want to see the troubleshooting guide?"
This is the guide it offers https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/debugging_broken_documents

I tried restarting word, zotero, copying the text of the doc to a new one, making a copy of the document, approving the changes in the doc, removing bibliography in the doc.. Non of those do anything.

Anybody having the same problem? What to do?

  • You'll need to follow that page through to the end, which explains both how to isolate the issue and how to provide us the information we need to help you further.
  • edited April 20, 2023
    Restarting the computer made it. (I even don't know if it was on the list - as the list is exhaustingly long. But problem solved.) Sorry for bothering
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