Quickly switching between journal full names and abbreviations

I have a couple of questions about handling of journal names/abbreviations. I will post them separately to avoid mix-ups.

The way I handle journal full names vs. abbreviations in .bib files is:
1. In my bibliography file myrefs.bib, each _@article{..._ entry, the field _journal_ is set to a custom name, e.g.,
journal = rmre,
2. In a separate file abbrev.bib, there are two series of custom names definition
a. ...
@string{rmre = {Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering}}
b. ...
@string{rmre = {Rock Mech. Rock Eng.}}
3. Simply block-comment the series that I don’t want to use.
4. Include in \bibliography{abbrev,myrefs,…}

The advantage of this is the possibility of quickly changing from abbreviations to full names, without changing myrefs.bib.

This could be changed/improved, e.g., using to two separate files jabbrev.bib and jfullnames.bib, and including in \bibliography{…} whichever is needed.

For an automatic implementation of this, two steps are needed:
1. Automatically adding the custom name in each entry
2. Automatically obtaining the lists with custom name-abbreviation and custom name-full name.

Is anything related to this, or alternative to this, implemented in Zotero?
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