No SpeechSynthesis in window?

Given how often people ask for TTS and that I also wanted it, I thought I'd try making a plugin for it. I had planned on using the Web Speech API[1] already in javascript but I've just discovered it seems to not be present in Zotero, Object.values(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window)).includes("speechSynthesis") returns false and attempts to import SpeechSynthesis always fail

This is especially weird since Z6 is based on FF 60 and Web Speech was apparently added in FF 49...

I was wondering if this is a deliberate thing, something wrong with my setup or some other misunderstanding on my part...

  • edited April 18, 2023
    Possible it was behind a pref. It's available in Zotero 7, which will be in beta shortly. (Developer version available on the dev list.)
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