change highlight colour from Zotoro Integration Plugin to Obsidian


I'm trying to create a template for importing my Zotoro highlights into Obsidian using the Zotoro Integration Plugin, but can't work out how to change the Zotoro highlight colours on import.

Below is the Nunjucks excerpt I have for importing highlighted text into Obsidian, which works well, but the colors used are too dark. I use custom highlight colours in Obsidian, and would like my template to automatically replace the Zotoro highlight colours with those.

{% if annotation.annotatedText %}

><mark style="background: {{annotation.color}}">"{{annotation.annotatedText}}"</mark> [(p. {{}})](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{annotation.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{}})

{% endif %}

From googling, it seems like I need something like this? but I'm not sure where to insert this in my template.

{{text | replace("#5fb236", "#BBFABBA6")}}

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