Missing Reporter field after Using citation style editor

Hi there,

Hope this finds you well. I made a terrible mistake and tried to edit my citation style, OSCOLA, in a style editor (https://editor.citationstyles.org/about/). I only removed the url field for at the bottom. However, after incorporating the edited OSCOLA style in my zotero, all the 'Reporter' fields of all my 'Case' entries were automatically moved to the 'Extra' field in each case entry. I take responsibility for taking such a risk and making this mistake. However, I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to automatically pool the reporter information out of the 'extra' field and back into the reporter field of each case en-mass. Any advice will be helpful. Thanks in advance

[PS. I have learnt my lesson and I'm back to using the zotero-standard OSCOLA citation style, although this has not solved the problem].

For further information: this is what now shows in the 'Extra' field:
mlzsync1:0105{"extrafields":{"reporter":"[2006] EWCA Civ 1714; [2008] QB 73","jurisdiction":"002gbUnited Kingdom|GB"}}

Previously, the bit that states '[2006] EWCA Civ 1714; [2008] QB 73' was in the 'Reporter' field before this debacle.
  • This has nothing to do with the citation style (changing citation styles never affects your data). From the looks of it, you synced data entered into Juris-M with regular Zotero
  • Sorry AdamSmith, I'm not sure I have good understanding of your response there. Are you saying the best way to reverse this would be to download JurisM again? I had wiped my previous computer (which had both JurisM and Zotero) but I have not downloaded JurisM this time around. If the absence of JurisM is the problem will getting JurisM back resolve this issue?
  • The data will likely look normal in Juris-M, yes. I don't think having Juris-M will fix this in Zotero, though: Juris-M syncs with the same server as Zotero and that's how it stores its additional data. If you work with Juris-M, then sync to the server and then sync with Zotero, that's what you'd get.
  • Okay. I understand. I guess there is no solution other than to go back to using jurisM or to manually re-enter the data from extra field back to reporter field in zotero.

    Thank you so much adamsmith for your prompt response and answers.
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