Lost with transfert from Endnote: get back notes in custom fields…

Hello all,
Long user of Endnote (last version), I try to switch to Zotero (last version) on MacOs (idem). I did it using xml export format. My database is over 5900 refs.
My Endnote custom fields ended up in Zotero notes such as this:
"The following values have no corresponding Zotero field:
custom5: 24 cm., ill.
custom6: Ouvrage (coll. vbat)
remote-database-provider: Bibl., Paris"
I would have liked to see the contents of custom5 in a Zotero custom field that I could have called "Format data", custom 6 in "Ref. type", and "remote-database-provider" in "Bibl. loc."
Endnote is flexible and allows easy field-to-field replacements. Apparently not Zotero.
Is there a solution? Preferably without reimporting everything :-)
Thanks in advance,
  • No custom fields in Zotero, sorry
  • Yep.
    But is there any way to move those notes for instance in the Zotero Extra field with this format "CSL variable: value"?
    Or even, at least, just transfer "Ouvrage (coll. vbat)" from "custom6: Ouvrage (coll. vbat) » in the Notes into the Extra field?
  • Doing this without re-import would definitely require a hefty amount of scripting. Not impossible, but definitely not for the faint of heart (here's the the guidance in case you're interested: https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/client_coding/javascript_api#batch_editing )

    It's a bit easier to modify the import script -- certainly if all you want is to import to Extra instead. Not sure what CSL variables these would map to, though, so while that's also possible in general terms, I'm not really sure how it'd look.
  • Thanks for the answer anyway...
    Zotero does not have only advantages, especially for a non-coder end-user.
    I'll try using the keywords from EndNote, but it's tedious for the tests, importing the database by Zotero takes several hours...
    Thanks again,
  • (...) Ok, the problems are easily solved automatically once you do not follow Zotero's official advice: since Endnote, it is far better to go through a .RIS migration than an .XML migration.
    For whom it may be useful.
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