I could not open the zotero!!

the error showed that:
Error: Could not open connection to F:\zotero文献管理\zotero.sqlite: 2147500037
From previous event:
  • That's a generic error for when Zotero can't access the database. Any debugging steps would be specific to your particular system and setup — could be something about the disk, the filesystem, the OS, permissions, security software. The only thing we can really say is that, if you can't get it to work, you'd need to move the data directory back to the local disk.
  • So now I need to find out how to move the contents of the removable drive to the local disk, e.g. to which file on the local disk
  • The default location is "Zotero" in your home folder.

  • I have copied the original “zotero 文献管理”folder to the home folder on my local disk, but the same problem persists.
  • Go to your Zotero profile directory, open prefs.js in a text editor (e.g., Notepad), and delete the line with "dataDir" in it.
  • I've found the prefs.js file, but it doesn't have the dataDir field
  • edited April 11, 2023
    If Zotero says it's trying to open something under F:\, prefs.js will definitely have a dataDir line. Make sure you're looking at the file in the location where I said to look — don't just search your system for files named prefs.js.
  • I was able to search for dataDir in zotero.js
  • prefs.js, not zotero.js
  • It may be that I deleted the zotero software from my computer when it appeared that “couldn't open zotero...". Then I installed zotero again, and this time I can't find the dataDir field in the prefs.js file I found. Thank you.
  • OK, so is it working now?
  • Still can't open it, same problem. Do I need to delete my personal data along with it when I uninstall and then reinstall?
  • What error are you getting?

    Again, if the error still mentions F:\, then there is absolutely a user_pref line mentioning "dataDir" in prefs.js in your Zotero profile directory. There's literally no other way for Zotero to be trying to open anything in F:\. So if that's the error you're getting, then you're not looking in the right place.
  • is it this "pref("browser.download.useDownloadDir", false);", then delete it and save?
  • No, you’re looking at the wrong file. Please read the page I linked to, which tells you exactly where to find the file. Do not use search.
  • it's working, great, thanks!
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