Ditributing firefox zotero connector using policy.json?

edited April 6, 2023
I am configuring all my firefox installations with a central policy.json, which includes installed add ons.
Here's an example that will force firefox to use startpage.com's addon:

"policies": {
"ExtensionSettings": {
"{20fc2e06-e3e4-4b2b-812b-ab431220cada}": {
"installation_mode": "force_installed",
"install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/startpage-private-search/latest.xpi"
"ExtensionUpdate": true
(BEWARE: the forum does NOT preserve/display indentation!)

I'm trying to achieve the same for the zotero connector addon, but am at a loss as it is not distributed through the firefox addons store and as seen from the example above requires an `install_url`, which I have been unable to tease out.

Can anyone help with pointing me at the appropriate URL for the latest version?

Thank you for any advise.

Sincerely, Joh
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