Keep getting asked to login in Google-docs on Safari

Hi, I keep getting asked to login when using Google Docs and Safari.
The login last for around 1 hour and then I am asked to login again.

Is there any settings og preference I can change to prevent this.

Best Regards
Þorgeir Valur
  • Google Docs only authorizes Zotero for 1 hour, after which we need to request another authorization. However, if you don't close the browser, the re-authorization should be automatic, Zotero will pop open a window for a second and then close it again. Do you need to fully-reauthorize every time, even if you don't close the browser?
  • Já ég þarf að skrá mig inn, þrátt fyrir að ég hafi ekki lokað glugganum og er að vinna í skjalinu samfleytt.
  • Ok, this may be a Safari specific issue and we will look for a fix. In the meantime you can avoid it by using another browser, or by logging in into only a single Google account.
  • Hi, I am having the same issue but need to log in much more frequently than once per hour. Sometimes I have to log in every 5 minutes.
    I am logged into Google with 3 accounts, which is necessary for work.
    When Zotero asks me to sign into Google I need to choose one. It then works perfectly, just not for very long.

    -Zotero 6.0.31
    -Zotero Connector 5.0.116
    -Safari 17.3.1

    Is this a Zotero thing or Safari settings thing?

    Many thanks for you help with this issue,
  • What are you doing in between being prompted to reuthorized? Are you still working on the document, browsing some other websites, etc.?
  • Thank you for the quick response!

    In between being asked to sign in, I am browsing websites looking for literature sources.
    I'm doing this across two Safari windows (one with the Google Drive and Doc open, and one with Google Scholar, Web of Science, etc.).
  • When you return back to the Google Docs window, do you sometimes see the page refresh?
  • I just had to sign in again and the Google Docs window did not refresh. It is greyed out and displays "Zotero is updating your document. Please wait...".
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