DOI field for all the types of the publications

DOIs are expanded to any informational objects.
Therefore, the publications of various types can have DOI.
Is it possible to make DOI field available by default in ZOTERO interface for any type of item?
  • You can add it to Extra field like so:
    DOI: 10.1234/56789

    The DOI will then get picked up by citation styles, but also migrated to a proper DOI field when one is available in a future version of Zotero.
  • @damnation
    Thank you for your reply.
    I know about the Extra field. Of course, I use it.
    I just asked to improve the interface since DOI has become almost mandatory :-)

    Best regards,

  • edited April 4, 2023
    Yes, as the second part of my statement says, this will be added in a future version of Zotero from what I understand.
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