What is the correct .bib which can be imported to be Zotero's "article-newspaper"?

I tried to import the following .bib text into Zotero, trying to be "article-newspaper"

author = {Doe John},
title = {Transformer},
booktitle = {New York Times},
year = {2014},
urldate = {2022-07-02},
pages = {3},

But @newspaper becomes Document in Zotero, along with a warning message:

Import errors found:
- Don't know what Zotero type to make of 'newspaper' for @r23, importing as document

Also, the text in fields booktitle and pages got lost (in 'Extra' though).

What is the correct .bib item which can be imported to be Zotero's "article-newspaper", with the newspaper's name (such as "New York Times" in the example above) to be in the 'Publication' in Zotero, pages (such as "3") to get in 'Pages' in Zotero?

Many thanks!
  • I'm not aware of a bibtex item types for newspaper articles, and so Zotero doesn't import one. As far as I know, neither bibtex nor biblatex distinguish between different types of periodical articles (newspaper/magazine/journal)

    Accordingly, Zotero exports newspaper articles as article, but that will import as journalArticle on re-import.
  • There is no “newspaper” type in BibTeX or BibLaTeX, only “article”.

    If you have the BetterBibTeX plugin installed, you can use @article and include entrysubtype = {newspaper} to indicate that the article is a newspaper.

    In general, .bib is a pretty poor reference format because it is not very completely specified and relies a lot on idiosyncratic data entry to get correct results. If possible, it’s better to use a more complete standard for import like RIS or CSL JSON
  • Thanks a lot, both.

    FYI, the combination of @article + entrysubtype = {newspaper} in .bib will still be imported to "Journal Article" in Zotero. I have the Better BibTeX installed.
  • It will in the version that will drop in 20 minutes or so.
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