More internal PDF reader suggestions

- Make the highlight/annotation tools available in the web version. Currently they seem to be limited to the iOS version.

- Add the ability to delete pages and to insert pages (that is, insert an external PDF file into a PDF that has already been loaded into Zotero)..
  • The annotation tools will be available in the web library in the future.

    You can delete pages from the thumbnails tab in the sidebar of the desktop app by right-clicking on a page. Inserting a PDF into another isn't currently possible.
  • I would love to see the highlight/notes feature on the web version, I don't want to install Rosetta on my M1 so I am not able to use the app version. Trying to find a workaround.
  • The web version isn't going to be anywhere close to a replacement for the Desktop any time soon. There will be native silicon version, in expectation some time this year. Good chance it'll come before online annotation.
  • edited April 3, 2023
    (But also Rosetta takes literally seconds to install and then is totally seamless, and Zotero runs faster than it ran on Intel Macs? Not using Rosetta for a few months is a strange choice.)
  • The app version is much better agreed. I was advised to avoid installing Rosetta for security, not sure how true it is though as it's not my expertise :)
  • edited April 3, 2023
    No, that’s absurd — Rosetta is part of macOS and is a one-click install direct from Apple servers.
  • Good to know. I've had enough absurd to last me two lifetimes.
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