Opened zotero by chance and found it was reset

Today, when I opened zotero, I found that the library and all plugins went missing, the data folder was reset to the default path; luckily I found zotero.sqlite.bak file in the directory I specified and renamed it library was back but the plugins were still missing. This happened twice on my PC.
  • Devices: m1 mba
    System: 13.2; CN
    Version: 6.0.23
  • edited March 30, 2023
    It sounds like you somehow ended up with a new Zotero profile directory, either because an additional profile was somehow created or because you (or something on your system) accidentally deleted your old profile directory. You can tell which by checking the folder and Profile Manager described in the links above.
  • Where I can find data folder of .xpi file located after installation?
  • edited March 30, 2023
    Edited because it seemed irrelevant in this case
  • edited March 30, 2023
    Edited because it seemed irrelevant in this case
  • edited March 30, 2023
    Well, right, to poettli's point, if you're saying you were missing zotero.sqlite in the correct data directory as well, that would suggest you ran disk-cleaning software and deleted both the large zotero.sqlite file (where your data is) and perhaps the profile directory (which would contain your settings, such as the data directory location, and any installed plugins).
  • No, this has nothing to do with Chrome.
  • It's not clear to me if you're saying that zotero.sqlite was missing in your correct data directory and zotero.sqlite.bak was still present or if you only mentioned zotero.sqlite.bak but also had zotero.sqlite in there. zotero.sqlite is the primary file. In any case, it's one of the things above, depending on the answer.
  • edited March 30, 2023
    I found profile. In this case I'm sure there is no any disk-cleaning run. Unluckily, the profile directory does not have backup.

    Will the folder consider generating a backup or support sync among PCs (Some plugins that need to be activated)?
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