Error while installing zotero plug in in libre office mac

Hey :) My Error Report ID is: 995204785 - mac version 12.5

I tried to connect my libre office with Zotero. I installed the second latest libre office version 7.4.6 (the latest also did not work) and downloaded the latest Java SE Development Kit 20 -> Arm 64 DMG Installer. both installation worked but when I want to install the Zotero application file, the extension manager of libre office says Error: "Could not create Java implementation loader"
When I go to the Zotero Libre Office Plug in Instellator and follow the: /Applications/ -> I see the icon but it is grey and I cant choose it to open up.

I reinstalled everything several times, closed and opend the programmes several times, Restarted my mac and spend hours trying to find a solution to connect zotero and libre office... I would be so very happy if you have any more Ideas what I can try.
Thank you
  • Have you selected the JDK in the Advanced pane of the LO preferences?
  • Yes I tried, I have a check mark in the „use a java runtime environment“ check box; underneath the headline is: „JRE already installed:“ then I want to add one to the list but when I choose the JDK 20 folder the error report says: „The folder you selected does not contain a Java runtime environment. Please select a different folder.“ - when I go deeper in that folder and click on the folder „install“ there I see the „Zotero_openoffice_integration.oxt“ puzzle icon, but it is grey so I can’t select it.
  • edited March 30, 2023
    No, then something is wrong on your system. This doesn't have anything to do with Zotero or the .oxt file.

    You shouldn't need to add JDKs to LO manually. You install JDK 20 from the .dmg, it installs automatically into /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines, and then it shows up automatically in the Advanced pane of the LO prefs after you restart LO. If that's not working for you, you'll need to debug that with LO, and you shouldn't mention Zotero at all.

    The .oxt is totally unrelated.
  • @Almareen14: Make sure you're actually running the ARM build of LO. If you run the Intel version, the ARM JDK probably wouldn't show up.
  • thank you very much for your help and time!
    I do not fully understand what you mean by it, can you tell me how I can make sure which version I am running? or what I can do about it?

    in my "About Libre office" it says version

    Or maybe you have a link where I download the right version? or is it a setting i need to do on my mac?

    Best wishes
  • The LO download page has Intel and Apple Silicon options. If this is an Apple Silicon Mac, you want the Apple Silicon option.
  • juhuu that was it! thank you so much! Have a good day
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