Import Citavi citation style to Zotero

Hello all,

I've seen that in Zotero it's only possible to import citation styles as a CSL file. My university only provides us a CCS file, which is not even public.
Is it somehow possible to import/convert a Citavi citation style into Zotero? If not possible, it would be nice to know how to do it manually.

Thank you in advance!
  • edited March 26, 2023
    No, completely different system and can't be imported.

    You'd need to create your own citatuin style or find another style that is close.
  • Hi puffl,

    you can search for similar styles and change the small details by yourself or the help of someone.

    Plus: something that worked for me:
    You can try to convince your university, that CSL-styles have many advantages:
    - CSL is XML-based
    - CSL is open
    - CSL has more functions and more flexibility
    - CSL works not only in Zotero, but also e.g. in Mendeley, Papers, Qiqqa, OpenOffice and LibreOffice. And with that also on platforms that are not supported by Citavi, like MacOS and Linux.

    Maybe you could also search for other lecturers, scientists and students on your campus, that use Zotero or other software availabe also on MacOS and Linux. The more people demanding something and teaching them about the benefits of also supporting CSL-styles, the more likely your university would change their mind.

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