Accidentally Deleted zotero.sqlite and zotero.sqlite.bak files

I accidentally deleted the zotero.sqlite and zotero.sqlite.bak files from my computer, so my desktop app has lost all of my data. I still have all my data on the online account. If I unlink my account from my desktop app, and then re-link it and sync, will that fix the problem?

When I go into the Zotero folder on my hard drive, I do see a zotero.sqlite.bak file time stamped earlier today that is about 142 MB. Do you think that could have all the data? In my online library it says I have
  • If your data is all online, you can just sync. You don't need to unlink anything.

    But a 142 MB zotero.sqlite.bak file would definitely have data, so you can try closing Zotero and just renaming that to zotero.sqlite.
  • Great thank you! that worked. Phew
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