Stand-Alone Bibliography in Word

Hello all,
I am wondering whether there is any way to have a stand-alone bibliography that is exported as RTF or copied and pasted into an MS Word document update automatically when the included records are updated in Zotero? I know that citation update with each "refresh," and any bibliography generated from those citations will as well, but is there any way to create a bibliography that would do that without the citations? Can a stand-alone bibliography remain linked to the Zotero records?
  • Auto-updating only works via the integration plugins. You need at least one citation in the document to insert a bibliography using the plugin, and then if you really want to you can use Add/Edit Bibliography to add uncited items to the bibliography, which will update like any item used in citations. That's not a common workflow or something we really design for, though.
  • That's a great solution! Thanks!
  • It would be great if such a feature could be added. It is common that one has to create a bibliography list, say for a course outline, without having cited the entries. Even better would be a feature where one not only can add items manually but also let Zotero add all items in a collection/folder (or even based on some filter).
  • Right, but for one-off bibliographies like that, the 'create bibliography' function from within Zotero is perfectly sufficient.
  • Ah, interesting feature. Unfortunately, some features in Zotero are hidden in context menus and hard to discover. It is a shame to not discover such nice features that would be useful to many. It would be better if it would also be part of the main menu which seems to be standard in apps. See also,

    I guess how perfectly sufficient this feature is depends on complexity. It would be much easier to just right-click on a given bibliography and get it updated rather than having to do a new one every time something changes. In particular if there are several and and only particular items selected.
  • "Copy Bibliography" is in the Edit menu in Zotero 7.
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