Stand-Alone Bibliography in Word

Hello all,
I am wondering whether there is any way to have a stand-alone bibliography that is exported as RTF or copied and pasted into an MS Word document update automatically when the included records are updated in Zotero? I know that citation update with each "refresh," and any bibliography generated from those citations will as well, but is there any way to create a bibliography that would do that without the citations? Can a stand-alone bibliography remain linked to the Zotero records?
  • Auto-updating only works via the integration plugins. You need at least one citation in the document to insert a bibliography using the plugin, and then if you really want to you can use Add/Edit Bibliography to add uncited items to the bibliography, which will update like any item used in citations. That's not a common workflow or something we really design for, though.
  • That's a great solution! Thanks!
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