Citation styles placing page reference, suffix, prefix only in...

edited March 23, 2023
Which citation styles place page number reference, suffix, prefix only to bibliographic evidence - (citation footnote - only if in use, or bibliography - if style doesn't use footnotes) but not at citation reference in text citing the source?
Those styles I currently use or shortly tried out place source data these kinds in citation reference put to text of the work citing.
  • Any styles marked as "note" on the repository (including e.g. Chicago Manual (full note) among those pre-installed)
  • Thank you for hint.

    How to find which styles will help to achieve two goals as below at the same time?
    * goal in this question
    * all citation footnotes in short form: name, date

    In near past I could not achieve second goal using Chicago Manual.
  • the World Politics styles you're using works for this, e.g. Not sure why you're not seeing that. Beyond that, see
  • edited March 23, 2023
    Thanks for input. Zotero version under my use currently 6.0.22. I don't see in release notes 6.0.23 to include changes playing a role here. 6.0.22 shouldn't matter here.
  • no, this has been the same for ages. I'm suspecting you may just not be using the citation style you think you're using.
  • Every time I change style for whole document (zotero plugin in editor) I get always desired style change in document view.
  • How to outsource all citations affixes to bibliography (when style without citation footnotes is used)? Means affix not in source reference, nor footnotes are used.
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