Two or three types of notes in Zotero?

edited March 23, 2023

I am starting to think there are not two but three types of notes in Zotero.

In addition to (1) standalone notes and (2) children of an library entry, clicking on a PDF shows a side panel where (3) a note can be written.

Can you please explain where that type (3) note is saved? I don't see it anywhere as a yellow sticky icon.

Is it a child of the pdf as opposed to a child of the Zotero entry?

The corresponding help page ( does not seem to clarify this point.

Thank you!
  • edited March 23, 2023
    All notes are stored in the same place, i.e. in the database, but yes, that note conceptually belongs with the attachment (needn't be a pdf). There's no other way to access it than the right -hand panel.
    Generally, the existence of these is a legacy, so I'd discourage using them.
  • Very clear.

    Yes I got confused because I could not see my pdf-attachment-note neither as "item note" nor as "all note".

    I'll stop using those as suggested.

    (As a side "note": It took me a while to realize that notes are accessible on the iOS app by clicking on the (i) information sign and scrolling down.)

    Thank you!
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