Bibtex problems with special characters

A previous thread started here [ ], but as I took some time to answer it seems to be now lost in the maze of the discussions, so I start fresh here. I hope it's ok.

I am trying to import a BIB file you can find here [ ] (link down the page, export Bibtex, or direct link [ ]).

I converted the input BIB file to UTF-8 (original is in LATIN1) with iconv (on Debian). In zotero, I created a collection for that purpose (empty at first). I select this one, and click on the wheel icon / import / bibtex. From there a few glitches can be observed.

1) Accents encoded in the imported bibtex file using backslashes, e.g., Tsouki\`as for Tsoukiàs (witch is a Bibtex correct way to do it, AFAIK [ ]) are imported as-is with no interpretation of the encoding, e.g., I get an author named Tsouki\`as instead of Tsoukiàs. Naturally, when re-exporting it is all messed up. See for example the entry "@INBOOK{Tsoukias06inbook,
author={Yannis Dimopoulos and Pavlos Moraitis and Alexis Tsouki\`as}"

2) When re-exporting, the key generation algorithm does not properly account for special characters, see for example the entry (after re-export)
title = {The `closing in' method: An experimental tool to investigate individual choice patterns under risk}".

Once again thank you for your help.
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