Text deleting after I type it

Hello. I've been having this issue for sometime. When entering information in the metadata box (name, date, publication,etc), sometimes it will delete what i've just typed. For example, when typing "Handwritten" in the name section, it just deleted it and placed the cursor at the beginning.

Please help.

Debug ID D18544904
  • This is in the info pane in the PDF reader? Can you reproduce it in the main library view?
  • Thanks for the question - it happens with both views.
  • How reliably can you reproduce this? If fairly reliably, can explain the exact steps it requires from Zotero startup through getting it to happen? Does it happen with all plugins disabled?

    There's a good chance this is related to auto-sync kicking in while you're typing, but it certainly shouldn't happen in normal usage, so if it does there's something off about your installation.

    It might also help to make a screen recording — if you can, upload it somewhere and email a link to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread.
  • dstillman - thanks for the information. I've taked it off auto-sync and it seems to have fixed the issue. I'll reach out if it happens again. Thanks for the quick help.
  • But that’s not a fix. You want to leave auto-sync on if you’re using syncing. I’m just explaining that that’s likely causing this so that you can more easily reproduce it and provide info that will help us fix it.
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