Announcing Choral Annotations for Zotero (community extension)

Hi everyone,
I've been playing around with templates for a while and I came up recently with a workflow that renders your annotations like a screenplay (or a movie script if you wish).

It is based on the templates editable from Zotero preferences and CSL styles that have been modified on the inline citation part (parentheses stripped out mostly, validated on the CSL checker). There are also some screenshots, elements for discussions, and bibliographical references.

I've chosen to put it on this GitHub repository though there is nothing to install expect CSL styles. This is my first public release, if I got something wrong or twisted please send me a kind word. I'll be very happy to hear constructive comments!
  • In short, it renders your annotations as a screenplay, giving it a feeling of interacting with the authors of what you are reading and commenting.

    There is a workflow that use tags and highlight colors to add didascalias and stage directions (see here).

    There are also some extra templates for obsidian, one has already been published in the forum here some time ago.

    ...and more!
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