"Hearing" item type not using authors in APA style

Hello all!

I'd need some help concerning the "hearing" type of document. I've only just realised that Zotero will not publish author names in APA in-document style when authors are listed as something different in Zotero.

For example: if "Comments on the draft text of the convention" has "Canada" listed as "contributor", it is cited as follows in Word for individual citations: (Comments on the draft text of the convention, 2004). What I'm looking for is author-date, so (Canada, 2004).

I figured out how to change this setting with other item types that were causing me trouble (notably "Documents" for some reason...), but the only selectable option for "Author" under the "Hearing" item type is "Contributor". Is this what is causing my issue and if so, is there anyway I can manually add the "Author" option to the "Hearing" item type to solve it?

Thank you very much for your help!
  • I don't think authors for hearings make sense, though? E.g., this is the standard way to cite US Congreassional hearing in APA https://widener.libguides.com/c.php?g=1005934&p=7627551#s-lg-box-24235594 and I don't think that'd differ all that much for other hearings.
    "Canada" isn't an author of a hearing; it's a participant.
  • I'm looking to cite International Maritime Organization hearings, which on their header have "Submitted by Canada" (since Canada's representatives are the ones who prepared the document being submitted).

    I suppose it's less a hearing than it is a document submission, but the "Hearing" item type was the best-fitting item type for all the additional information I required (notably Committee, document number, legislative body, etc...).

    In any case, is there a way to cite "participant-date" for individual citations? My prof insists on seeing it as such. I can always do it manually, but I have several such documents so it'd be easier if I could automate it.
  • Try putting
    Author: Canada
    in the Extra field of the hearing item, that should work.
  • That worked brilliantly! Thank you very much for your help!
  • Though that produces citations as linked to above, i.e. without an "author" (or particpant as it is here)
  • The APA manual/Bluebook explicitly do not include an author when citing hearings, only the title of the hearing, committee or body holding the hearing, date, URL, and potentially the person testifying (but in genre position, not author position).

    The APA CSL style and example Hearing items in the library I linked to form correct citations per the APA manual
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