Can someone help me with a little change in this citation Style?

edited March 18, 2023
Instead of many named Authors in the Text, I need that there is written "the first author and et al." and then the Year.
And I don't know how to change it in the Code.

Thanks for your help!
Best regards

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style xmlns=""; class="in-text" version="1.0" demote-non-dropping-particle="never" default-locale="de-DE">
<title>Technische Universität Dresden - Linguistik (Deutsch)</title>
<title-short>TUD Linguistik (Deutsch)</title-short>
<link href=""; rel="self"/>
<link href=""; rel="template"/>
<link href=""; rel="documentation"/>
<name>Simon Meier-Vieracker</name>
<category citation-format="author-date"/>
<category field="linguistics"/>
<category field="literature"/>
<summary>Zitierstil entsprechend den Vorgaben der linguistischen Professuren am Institut für Germanistik der Technischen Universität Dresden. Der Stil orientiert sich an den Richtlinien von 'Deutsche Sprache: Zeitschrift für Theorie Praxis Dokumentation', hg. vom IDS Mannheim</summary>
<rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
<locale xml:lang="de">
<term name="et-al">et al.</term>
<term name="editor" form="short">Hg.</term>
<term name="online">Online unter</term>
<macro name="creator-year-long">
<if match="none" variable="author editor">
<text value="o. A." suffix=" "/>
<group delimiter=" ">
<names variable="author">
<name delimiter="/" name-as-sort-order="all"/>
<label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
<names variable="editor"/>
<date date-parts="year" form="text" variable="issued" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
<macro name="editor-container-title">
<group delimiter=": ">
<text term="in" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<group delimiter=": " suffix=".">
<names variable="editor">
<name delimiter="/" name-as-sort-order="all"/>
<label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
<text macro="container-title"/>
<macro name="publication-place-publisher">
<group delimiter=": ">
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<text variable="publisher" quotes="false" font-variant="normal" font-weight="normal" vertical-align="baseline"/>
<macro name="creator-year-short">
<group delimiter=" ">
<text macro="creator-short"/>
<date date-parts="year" form="text" variable="issued"/>
<macro name="edition">
<if match="any" is-numeric="edition">
<group delimiter=" ">
<number variable="edition" form="ordinal"/>
<text term="edition" form="short"/>
<text variable="edition"/>
<macro name="collection-title-number">
<group delimiter=" " prefix=" (= " suffix=")">
<text variable="collection-title"/>
<text variable="collection-number"/>
<macro name="page-range">
<group delimiter=" " suffix=".">
<text term="page" form="short"/>
<text variable="page"/>
<macro name="online-url">
<group delimiter=" ">
<text variable="URL"/>
<date form="numeric" variable="accessed" prefix="(letzter Zugriff " suffix=")"/>
<macro name="container-title-volume">
<group delimiter=" " suffix=",">
<text variable="container-title"/>
<text variable="volume"/>
<text variable="issue" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
<macro name="creator-short">
<names variable="author">
<name form="short" delimiter="/"/>
<names variable="editor"/>
<macro name="doi">
<text variable="DOI" prefix=""/>;
<macro name="title">
<if type="book" match="any">
<text variable="title"/>
<text macro="collection-title-number" prefix=" "/>
<text variable="title"/>
<macro name="container-title">
<if type="chapter" match="any">
<text variable="container-title"/>
<text macro="collection-title-number"/>
<citation et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="1" disambiguate-add-year-suffix="true" collapse="year-suffix">
<layout delimiter="; " prefix="(" suffix=")">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text macro="creator-year-short"/>
<group delimiter=" ">
<text term="page" form="symbol"/>
<text variable="locator"/>
<bibliography et-al-min="9" et-al-use-first="1" entry-spacing="0" hanging-indent="true">
<key macro="creator-short"/>
<key macro="creator-year-short"/>
<group delimiter=". " suffix=".">
<group delimiter=" ">
<text macro="creator-year-long" suffix=":"/>
<text macro="title"/>
<if type="book" match="any">
<group delimiter=". ">
<text macro="edition"/>
<text macro="publication-place-publisher"/>
<else-if type="article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper" match="any">
<group delimiter=" ">
<group delimiter=": ">
<text term="in" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<text macro="container-title-volume"/>
<text macro="page-range"/>
<text macro="doi" strip-periods="false"/>
<else-if type="chapter" match="any">
<group delimiter=". ">
<text macro="editor-container-title"/>
<text macro="edition"/>
<text macro="publication-place-publisher"/>
<text macro="page-range"/>
<text macro="doi"/>
<else-if type="dataset" match="any"/>
<group delimiter=". ">
<if match="any" variable="container-title">
<text macro="editor-container-title"/>
<text macro="publication-place-publisher"/>
<text macro="page-range"/>
<text macro="collection-title-number"/>
<text macro="online-url"/>

  • edited March 18, 2023
    On line 138 it is set so that you will only have first author et al if there are four or more authors.

    <citation et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="1" disambiguate-add-year-suffix="true" collapse="year-suffix">

    If you change it to et-al-min="2" then anything with two or more authors will be displayed as fisrt author et al in the text.

    Similarly, line 149 controls the behaviour in the bibliography which for you is 9 authors or more
  • Hello longtermrenter,

    I want to thank you for your help and for solving my problem!
    Best regards and good evening!

  • It worked then?
  • Yes, that worked very well. Thank you!

    Can you maybe help me with another thing? My University want a comma before the Year for example (Name, Year) ; (Name et al., Year)

    Best regards!

  • Your creator-year-short macro currently has a delimiter on the group level set to a space. That's what you need to change.
  • edited March 19, 2023
    Thank you for your help. I got it!

    Best regards
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