How do I make Zotero cite both first and last name automatically?


I am required by my uni to cite both first and last name of authors in my reference list. Now, I could do it manually but I wonder if there is any way to automate it? I am using APA 7.

All previous treads dealt with how to *not* make first names appear in reference list.

Thanks in advance!
  • Can you use a different citation style, e.g. Chicago (author-date)? APA specifically uses initials in stead of first names. If not, what are the requirements more specifically?
  • I cannot switch citation style and the requirement is quite simple, just display the authors' first names instead of just the initials. Otherwise it's the conventional APA style. Is there anything I can do to make Z display them in APA automatically?
  • edited March 14, 2023
    What do I do with that link? Sorry, I don't understand how I am supposed to use it.
  • edited March 14, 2023
    It's a citation style that you can install.
    You have two options:

    1. Go to the link, download the style and double click on it with Z open.

    2. Alternatively, open Zotero, Preferences, Cite, "Get additional styles" and search for apa-no-initials...

    In your document you have to set that style under Document Preferences then.
  • It's simpler than that: you just click on the style name to install the style ( is generally where you find and install new citation styles)
  • (I didn't suggest that since I assumed that didn't work for them and that's why they asked)
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