Error: The attached file is unavailable in the online library.


My iPad got trouble in file syncing, showing “The attached file could not be found. Please check that the file has synced on the device where it was added.” My debugid is D1197734311. What should i do next?

Really appreciate your help. Thank you for your kindness.
  • See Files Not Syncing. You're at your file-sync quota.
  • Thank you for your quick response!

    Another question happens on the transition from my EndNote to Zotero. I noticed that some transferred references are annotated with notes "The following values have no corresponding Zotero field:..." . I want to figure out if this means that these items are not archived independently in Zotero? Or will these references in Zotero be affected if I unload Endnote in the future?
  • edited March 15, 2023
    No, it really just means what it says — those are fields from EndNote for which there weren't corresponding fields in Zotero, so they're stored in an attached note instead.
  • Very helpful to me, thank you for your answer!
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