Search Bar Malfunctioning

When I try to conduct a search for a specific phrase or word combination in quotes (e.g. "Jersey City" instead of Jersey City), it is unable to generate any results. The swirling circle to the left of the search bar remains in perpetual swirl. I have shut down and re-started zotero and it does not solve the problem. If I remove the quote marks, it quickly generates results.
  • And you're pressing Enter to start the search? What search mode? Are you trying this in a normal collection?

    Can you provide a Debug ID for reproducing this?
  • Yes, I am pressing Enter. I am searching using the search bar that searches all of my sources in my main collection. Here is the debug id:
  • I'm asking 1) what search mode you're in ("Title, Creator, Year", "All Fields & Tags", or "Everything" — it looks like "Everything") and 2) what kind of collection you're in (the library root, a regular collection, a saved search, etc.).
    Item 31328 not yet loaded
    If you check your database integrity from the Advanced → Files and Folders pane of the Zotero preferences, does it pass?
  • I am in the Everything search mode. I am in the Library root. I just checked the database integrity and it passed (no errors found).
  • Can you go to Tools → Developer → Run JavaScript and run this code, and then either paste the result here or email it to us at with a link to this thread?

    return await Zotero.Items.getAsync(31328)
  • I went to Tools --> Developer --> Run JavaScript and then in the box on the left under Code entered the following:

    return await Zotero.Items.getAsync(31328)

    Then I clicked the Run button, but nothing happened.
  • Restart Zotero and try again. If it's still not showing anything in the right-hand pane, provide a Debug ID for running that.
  • Restarted Zotero, same problem persists. Here the debug ID: D1283899039
  • edited March 12, 2023
    Can you take a screenshot of the Run JavaScript window after clicking Run and email it to us at with a link to this thread? There shouldn't be any reason for it not to show a result.
  • edited March 12, 2023
    Actually, how about this instead:

    return (await Zotero.Items.getAsync(31328)).toJSON()
  • Here is what showed up in Return value:

    UnloadedDataException: Item data not loaded and field '1' not set for item 4/A4CYKZ33
  • edited March 13, 2023
    And you're searching in the root of My Library? It looks like it's somehow matching an unloaded item in a group library. We'll look into how that might be happening.

    Does this only happen in Everything mode?
  • OK, I've identified the problem here — no need for more info. We'll have this fixed in a beta soon.

    As a workaround, you can click on all libraries that haven't yet been loaded in the session before searching. This only affects Everything mode.
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