Consider Adding the Recipient Field to the "Document" Item Type

It would be helpful to make the Recipient Field available for the "Document" item type, since many government documents are in the form of memos and similar correspondence. The "Document" type is more appropriate for government memos and the like than the "Letter" type, which does have the Recipient field.
  • I don't think I agree (and it'd create a mess for citation styles).

    I've seen memoranda either cited with sender & recipient as part of the title:
    “Eastern Europe Region: Memorandum from Director of Central Intelligence to Helms to President Johnson,” pp. 65-66. In Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964-1968. (Vol. XVII). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1996.

    or like correspondence found in an archive as in
    1. President Judith I. Bailey to Mrs. Darlene Pierce, October 10, 1999, Office of The President, General Subject Correspondence, Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University, 0201-01, 2/3, 12-01-03.

    The former is covered by the existing Document type, the latter by letter.
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