duplicate files when filename is changed

I locate the pdf and add it to the record. I then rename the file from parent metadata; it shows only one file (using, nicely, the information from the record).

But when I copy the file (which displays as a pdf), by dragging and dropping it, TWO files show up in the destination folder- both the original and the re-named pdf.
  • Could you be more specific? Locate and add how? What are you dragging, and to where?
  • I'm using apple OS 10.5.8. I grab the pdf by clicking on the symbol, drag it to the desktop (or to a folder on the desktop), and let go.

    When I do so, instead of just a single pdf file, there is one file with the previous filename (e.g., sciencedirect111122.pdf) and another file with the new name (e.g., Smith et al. 2005). both of these files are sitting inside a parent folder.
  • Is this an imported file or a linked file?

    After renaming and before dragging the file to the desktop, if you click Show File to expose the parent folder of the file in Zotero, do you see one or two files?
  • Should be an imported file....it shows *two* files.
  • OK, so the drag is irrelevant.

    At what point are you getting two files? When you use the rename option?
  • Great point- sorry, drag=irrelevant.

    Before renaming, 1 file.

    After renaming, 2 files.

    I checked twice.
  • I can't reproduce this, and I don't believe anyone else has reported it.

    Send in a Report ID after the rename.

    Does this happen for all files, or only some?

    Do you have the file open in another program at the time?
  • Ahhhh, my bad. I'm using IDisk; it's an artifact of not being synced up.

    Sorry about that!
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