Can't see my library after my upgrade.

Now I am currently using Zotero 2.0b 7.6. Since that i can't see my references in the libray.
I've already read the "Where did my items go?" and check my zotero.sqlite files:
zotero.sqlite.bak - Today - 4.1MB
zotero.sqlite.1.bak -Today- 512KB
zotero.sqlite-journal - Yesterday - 4.1MB
zotero.sqlite.64.bak - 2009/12/15 - 4.1
zotero.sqlite - today - 4.1MB

I've also saw "Show Data Directory" showing that my sqlite files are in the.
Can't go further.
Realy need some helap.
  • I've also saw "Show Data Directory" showing that my sqlite files are in there.
    Can't go further.
    Realy need some help.
  • First, make sure you have a backup of your data directory.

    Next, have you tried restarting your computer? Disabling all other Firefox extensions?

    If so, try deleting zotero.sqlite.1.bak and zotero.sqlite-journal and starting Firefox.
  • Dan,
    Thank you very much. After disabling other firefox extensions a could see my library.

  • If you can determine what extension was conflicting, please let us know so we can add it (if necessary) to the incompatible extensions list.
  • I realy think that is the "Gliider"

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