Get BibTex for article on iPad

edited February 23, 2023
Hi, I am looking for advice.

I am writing an article in the website editor in the Safari iOS browser.
I have installed the Zotero iPadOS app.
I need to add BibTex entries to my_references.bib in the Overleaf project.

What I am doing now:
1. I look up relevant articles in the Zotero iPadOS app. I read the pdf papers. I find the paper.
2. (and because I cannot do it in the Zotero iPadOS app) I open the Zotero Web library
3. I find the relevant paper in the Zotero Web library.
4. Download the BibTex entry on iPad local files.
5. I open the BibTex entry in the code editor.
6. I copy the BibTex entry
7. I switch to the Overleaf tab from the Zotero Web library in Safari
8. I finally paste the BibTex entry to my_references.bib

An obvious way to make “adding BibTex” faster is to request a new feature to the iPadOS app: "Copy BibTex to clipboard".

Could you recommend anything faster now?

Thank you!

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