jumping to link does't work in group libararies

Jumping to link does't work in group libararies when I click the link like "zotero://open-pdf/library/items/JRILY652?page=996&annotation=HT7L2SN9)" ,but it works in "My Library".
my software version:6.0.20
  • Where are you getting the links from? Your example is a valid link for My Library, not for a group.
  • I have the very same problem.
    The link can be found with Obsidian where the Zotero Data Explorer reports all the information concerning an entry, whether it is in "My Library" or in a group library.
    I have a key like this:
    pdfZoteroLink "[Full Text PDF](zotero://select/library/items/QDJGF9IW)"
    for an item in a group library.
    Unfortunately, using this url does not work.
    With the same key for an item in "My Library", the PDF is opened.
    This is with Zotero 6.0.22 (Windows)
    The Obsidian plugin reporting the information is
  • edited March 6, 2023
    I have a key like this:
    pdfZoteroLink "[Full Text PDF](zotero://select/library/items/QDJGF9IW)"
    for an item in a group library.
    As I say, that's not a valid link for an item in a group library.

    If you're having a problem with a plugin, you'll need to ask the plugin developer for help.
  • Thanks.

    I found out that links to group library items should be built differently
    with uri like `zotero://open-pdf/groups/2432324/items/QDJGF9IW`
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