Losing track of citations
Dear All,
I hope all is well. I am using Zotero 6.0.21 (Macbook Air, Microsoft Word for Mac (Office 365)) and running into some issues.
I have been using the Chicago style full footnotes for my dissertation chapter. I sent the chapter to my editor who has the same exact editions of word, zotero, etc. I copied the entire contents of my Zotero library into a shared library so that we can both access it without issues.
He was able to update, edit, my citations etc without problem. However, when he sent the file back to me, I was not able to use short notes properly. Zotero seemed to have lost track of the fact that I already cited the book/article earlier in the doc. I even placed the doc in Microsoft OneDrive, and had him open it up there, but that did not help. Zotero would recognize that the source was cited, but it would not provide a shortened note.
Any idea why this is happening?
Also, moving forward for other chapters. Do you have any recommendations on how I should best use a shared Zotero library with my editor so that we would not run into these problems?
I hope all is well. I am using Zotero 6.0.21 (Macbook Air, Microsoft Word for Mac (Office 365)) and running into some issues.
I have been using the Chicago style full footnotes for my dissertation chapter. I sent the chapter to my editor who has the same exact editions of word, zotero, etc. I copied the entire contents of my Zotero library into a shared library so that we can both access it without issues.
He was able to update, edit, my citations etc without problem. However, when he sent the file back to me, I was not able to use short notes properly. Zotero seemed to have lost track of the fact that I already cited the book/article earlier in the doc. I even placed the doc in Microsoft OneDrive, and had him open it up there, but that did not help. Zotero would recognize that the source was cited, but it would not provide a shortened note.
Any idea why this is happening?
Also, moving forward for other chapters. Do you have any recommendations on how I should best use a shared Zotero library with my editor so that we would not run into these problems?
For now, the best way to avoid this is to cite from a group library to begin with if you know you're going to be collaborating, or if you started in a personal library then to have only one person modify the citations.
At this point, the only way to fix this would be to replace any citations from one library with citations from the other, so that they're all using the same item from the same library. You can toggle Word field codes and look at the zotero.org URLs to see whether the citations are coming from your library or a group.
We're hoping to add better ways to deal with this relatively soon, since we know transferring items to a group and then continue to collaborate on a document is a common use case.