Idiot here - have web, want desktop - how do i move Lib & how to add link to word for citations

I know this must be discussed somewhere but I've been searching for 2 hours and can't figure this out. Forewarn- idiot in midst.

About 6 years ago I had zotero desktop with the plug-in and happily used it - easy to add articles, could read and highlight.

Then there was some problem with the plugin & firefox and it didn't work anymore. Eventually I bought zotero web but rarely used it because it seems a bit useless for what I want.

I now would like to go back to the desktop because I want...
1. an easy way to click and save articles
2. save articles without having to fill in fields
3. read the articles in PDF to highlight (and not just be linked to the site, such as JSTOR)
4. want to add zotero in word so that I can use for referencing - this is now my main goal is to speed up my thesis writing

But I need to know if I have the desktop now (I installed something from the zotero site...), how to move my library over. I downloaded zotero desktop but not quite sure. Want to move my library over to said desktop but can't figure out how (I see instrux something about sync but I don't even see a sync button). I find this so utterly confusing and not obvious. How to add plug in.

Any help for morons would be much appreciated!
  • You just need to set up syncing in the Zotero desktop app.

    There's a link to do so in the center pane right when you first start Zotero with an empty library, or you can click the Sync button in the top-right corner, which will prompt you to open the Sync pane of the preferences.
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