display publication or publisher

thesis have the item publisher, and journal have publication.

I want display anyone of them.

____________________________split lines

chatgpt give the bad idea.

Based on the information you've provided, it seems like you're trying to display the "item publisher" or "publication" field in Zotero, depending on whether the reference is a thesis or a journal article.

To achieve this, you can use the conditional formatting feature in Zotero. Here's how to do it:

In Zotero, select the reference you want to modify.

Right-click on the reference and select "Edit Item".

In the "Fields" tab, locate the "Extra" field.

In the "Extra" field, enter the following code:
{{#if itemType "thesis"}}
Publisher: {{itemPublisher}}
{{#if itemType "journalArticle"}}
Publication: {{publication}}
This code will display the "itemPublisher" field for thesis references and the "publication" field for journal article references. If a reference is neither a thesis nor a journal article, nothing will be displayed.

Click "OK" to save the changes.
  • Ignore chatGPT. It's wrong more often than not when it comes to Zotero.

    I also don't quite understand what you're trying to do - is this for a citation style? Could you provide specific examples of the output you want?
  • I think the chatgpt got what imean;

    zotero gui can display the "itemPublisher" field for thesis references and the "publication" field for journal article references. If a reference is neither a thesis nor a journal article, nothing will be displayed.
  • If you're happy with chatGPT's answer, that's great. If you want us to help you, you'll need to actually answer my questions, as I *don't* understand what you're after at all. As always, feel free to write in a different language than English if that's easier for you.

    And just to be clear:
    {{#if itemType "thesis"}}
    Publisher: {{itemPublisher}}
    {{#if itemType "journalArticle"}}
    Publication: {{publication}}
    is complete nonsense.
  • 太抱歉,要使得你接受我蹩脚的英语,现在我用中文来说。一般来说,在zotero中可以看到,期刊文章的 info field 里面含有publication 信息,而学位论文的info里面有publisher信息(所属大学),我想在界面中合并这两项,显示其中 publication 和 publisher 的任何一个。
  • Ah I understand -- sorry, that's not possible in the interface. FWIW, the publisher info would also apply to books, book chapters, and reports, so if you add that column to the middle panel it'd be useful for a number of items, but you can't combine it with the publication title column.
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