Lib exported to BibTeX, BiblaTeX to build bibliography in writing

edited February 15, 2023
Library of scientific sources maintained in Zotero includes more items than those cited in writing. It means there are items in library not cited in associated writing. User exports library to BibTex, or BiblaTex.
As next exported file is added to LateX project of that writing in order to build bibliography in writing. For this Tex-command 'bibliography' is placed to latex file.
I wonder if latex command 'bilbliography' when executed is parsing also citations present in text in order to tailor bibliography being built to status of citations in writing.
In other words will bibliography built this way include also items not cited in text?
  • Thanks for answer in short time.

    That would mean printbilbliography command parses document former's output is being put into for citations present, then only those library items connected to found citations are passed to command output.
    Alternatively, disk file with library exported to includes only items document referrs to. For this to work the cite latex command needs to mark in library (Zotero-side) all items cited in document. I wonder if cite command conducts such communication.
    How does that filtering work in background (only cited items pass from export file to bibliography built)?
  • Printbibliography doesn't parse the document, biber does, and I don't see why you'd want to limit the bib file to precisely those entries you refer to in your document. It will be tedious work without benefits.

    I'd recommend just getting started with authoring your document. You're delving into non-issues currently. If you want to know how latex citation works technically, you're better off asking at, but it's not something you need to know to use it.
  • Thank you for your opinion and hints.
    Here the source which led me to pickup and follow point in my question
    (some short conversation in one forum for students, translated by google):,2619810&_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp
    Please note in case that conversation it seems to be about one single entry in whole bibliography.
  • Das ist ein Missverständnis: Eine nicht genutzte Quelle im Literaturverzeichnis ist in der Tat nicht Ideal, aber das passiert nicht, nur weil die Quelle im .bib File ist:
    Das Literaturzverzeichnis wird von BibTeX nur für die auch im Text zitierten Quellen erstellt, egal was sonst noch im .bib File ist. Wie Emiliano also oben sagt, das ist wirklich nichts worüber Du Dir Gedanken machen musst.
  • That discussion seems severely confused. There's a few way I can read what it says:

    • "I am manually assembling the end-of-document bibliography, and I have added an entry that I don't use in the text." The solution to this is easy: don't do this. Assembling a bibliography is what you have Zotero/bibtex for, and it doesn't make this mistake.
    • "I am using \nocite{*} in my document, and I'm getting entries in my end-of-document bibliography that I don't use in the text". The solution is, again, don't do this.
    • "I am using Zotero/bibtex and while I've not actually seen this happen, I worry that they will add an entry in my end-of-document library, merely because it is in my library". The solution here is to stop worrying, because that just does not happen. That's not what these tools do.
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