Sync not working

We are 2 people working in a shared group library. The changes the other person is making in Zotero are showing up on the web version of Zotero, however my desktop version of Zotero is not syncing to these changes. They are in some situations but not others and no syncing error is showing up. Please help!
  • None of the options in the link worked. I've created a Debug ID: D565463488 - after syncing multiple folders are still not matching.
  • You need to actually perform an action before the sync, and then explain what you changed and what didn't transfer. We can't debug past changes that didn't sync — we need to see the debug output for the sync immediately after the relevant change. Not sure what you mean by "multiple folders are still not matching".

    It may help to take some screenshots and email them to us at with a link to this thread.
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