Added notes upsetting alphabetical order

Hi, I've added notes to a number of references in my library. The references with added notes now appear at the bottom of the library, out of sync with the alphabetical order of the other references. This is causing delays when searching for references in the library. How can I fix this or is it a known bug?
  • Sorry, I should have mentioned I'm using version 2.0b7.6
  • edited December 15, 2009
    Are you by any chance sorting your library by the "+" column (which lists the number of notes and attachments a particular item has)? To get the behaviour you want you should be able to click the "creator" column title to sort alphabetically (click again to reverse the sorting order).
  • Yes! That's sorted it, thank you very much! I was using the '+' column. I've just changed over from Endnote so still a bit of a green! Thanks again!
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