Connector feature request: avoid duplicates, add to Collection

I find the Zotero Connector impressively slick and use it extensively because it's so easy to add stuff to collections I'm building.
Partly because of this I have loooads of items in my Duplicates folder that I need to merge. My gut feel is that it would be more efficient in terms of Zotero database and resources to avoid these Duplicates in the first place. But it's (relatively) slow and clunky to check whether an item is already in my library (copy title or author from webpage, go to Zotero, click Library, go to search bar, paste) and then carefully drag it to the collection (I'm a bit awkward with this vertical mouse so it's a bit fiddly) but then perhaps it's already in the collection, should have pressed CTRL to check.
What I would LOVE is
1. for the Connector to check whether the item is already in my library (perhaps a tickbox option, as I guess it would slow things down!) and
2. then give me the option to add it to the Collection that I have open in Zotero (or dropdown of Collections, similar to existing interface)
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