Localization of styles: unexpected behaviour

I've read a lot of comments about styles and how they are localized. Now I'm quite new to Zotero, and I may have missed something, but it seems to me that styles make use of either the locale setting of Firefox, or of the extensions.zotero.export.bibliographyLocale option.

This behaviour is rather unexpected, which, for me, means that this is a bug.

What I expect is that the localization is defined by the style itself. If I write a paper that follows the rules of some journal, I don't want to tune my whole system to the language of this journal (probably English), especially if at the same time I'm writing another paper in my native language (not English). Conceptually, that makes no sense to follow a locale for a style.

The only benefit is for when one wants to derive an English style into a style in his own language. And it is pretty amazing that CSL/Zotero manages to do that.

So why not add a line in the CSL that says: for this style, follow the locale "en-US". And if one wants to make a German version, they just change this line to "de". That way, styles are robust and consistent through languages, but it is still dead easy to convert a style into one's own language.

Now, as I said, I'm relatively new, and maybe I've missed something... if it's the case, huu... sorry, but please tell me.
  • edited December 14, 2009
    CSL already contains the feature to do what you propose: a "default-locale" attribute that may be set on the root cs:style element. It isn't currently supported by Zotero, but will be once CSL 1.0 is released and the related citeproc-js processor is integrated into Zotero.

    See also: http://www.zotero.org/support/dev/csl_syntax_summary#preamble
  • Great!
    Sorry I missed this line when I went through the CSL syntax summary.
    Thank you very much!

    Oh, and do you have an idea of when this will happen, and if I can contribute?

    Thanks again,
  • The target date for finishing CSL 1.0 has recently been set to March 1st, 2010. Support for CSL 1.0 will probably come with Zotero 2.1.
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