Zotero citation on word

I've installed word plugin correctly but still can't get the red citations barre on word. Ive tried all zotero troubleshooting solution but in vain. Please help.
  • ID reprort:1459267764
    I've installed word plugin correctly but still can't get the red citations barre on word. Ive tried all zotero troubleshooting solution but in vain. Please help.
  • See Step 2 on that page. You have to actually tell us what you're doing and what's happening.
  • 1-J'ai installé Zotero comme prévu d'ailleurs il fonctionne correctement,
    2- j'ai installé les extensions word et zotfile correctement,
    3- les menus Préférences et extensions sur Zotero sont bien renseignés,
    4- Zotero figure sur Word comme prévu,
    5- En voulant exporter de zotero sur Word, où exécuter des citations sur Word ça donne aucun résultat. Ça tourne pas.
    6- j'ai du réinstaller tout comme prévu Mais toujours le même problème.
    7- j'ai effectué toutes les vérifications sur les options Word, tout est normal
    8' J'ai fait toutes les vérifications sur Zotero, tout est normal

    Toujours rien. Word ne synchronise pas avec Zotero
    Je suis bloqué à ce stade .
  • No, please don't create new threads for the same issue. I've moved your post back to here.

    You're still not saying the part we need to help you, which is literally what you're clicking on on your computer screen to reproduce the problem. We can't see your screen, so you need to actually describe what you're doing and what's happening.
  • When clicking on add/edit citation on the Word menu nothing happen: No red bar to add citation;

    Morover when clicking on other buttons zetero on word:Add note, Add/edit bibliography ... no result.

    Hope U find what you 're asking.
  • When you say you've run through Zotero troubleshooting, you mean you've run through all of those steps?
  • yes
    Ive tried all the given instrauction however no result.
    The citation red bar given by Word can't be shown
  • Please say exactly what you’ve tried and what happened at each step.
  • I clicked on the zotero on WORD menu
    Then clicked on " add citation" no red bar,,, to add citation;
    I checked all the troubleshouting solutions NO RESULT

    Is there any assistance pls?
  • "I checked all the troubleshooting solutions" really doesn't tell us at all what you did, I'm afraid. Please go step by step through the troubleshooting, saying what you tried and what you observed. That's the only way anyone will be able to help you.
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