Journal abbreviations in CSL JSON export of unclear origin

edited January 9, 2023
Zotero began working oddly a couple of days ago. I am using BetterBibTeX for automated export of references as CSL JSON. This has worked well for years, but all over sudden the export includes values for the key "container-title-short" for each and every reference in my library, even though this field is empty in Zotero. I have dug through the config editor, the forums, the larger internet and haven't found the source for these abbreviations. Is there an internal list of abbreviations? Would that be accessible and editable? If so, how? Can I turn such a behaviour off?

As it stands, I have to manually remove the key-value pairs for the journal abbreviations in order for Pandoc / citeproc to work with an external list of abbreviations. The latter is necessary as abbreviations differ between journals / publishers (for the publication of my own work) in my field.
  • Have you tested this with stock Zotero CSL JSON or just with BBT? BBT has functionality to include abbreviations in Zotero export using Zotero's automated abbreviations. Zotero itself doesn't ever use those on export, only in the word processor. If this is indeed BBT, post to emiliano's github about this.
  • Thank you Adam for pointing me to this possibility. It is indeed as you suspected and I will turn to BBT's Github repository.
  • Turns out it was just a preference that got turned on at some point.
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