"Selected field EA9Rxa not returned from Docs backend"

edited January 8, 2023
Google Documents with Zotero, using Chicago (note) on macOS.

"Selected field EA9Rxa not returned from Docs backend"

Description of issue:
All citations in document ok except one, which is caught eternally in "(Updating)".
Error code displayed when attempting to "Edit with Zotero."

Diagnostic steps:
1. Citing same source in a different location (no problem)
2. Citing different source in same location (same problem)
3. Citing different source in different location (no problem)
4. Pasting entire paragraph to same location as plain text from TextEdit (no effect)
5. Changing document preferences to full note (no effect)

Workarounds, solutions, thoughts and prayers all welcome. Thanks!
  • Update:

    1. Zotero worked fine with document exported to Word (.docx)
    2. Was able to add citation properly from the footnote. In other words: 1) insert footnote first, then add citation (don't add citation from document body text).
  • If you can use the Troubleshooting Errors in Word Processor Documents instruction on your google docs document, specifically step 11 to figure out what's caused it and share it with support@zotero.org, we might be able to fix it so it doesn't happen in the future.
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